Saturday, June 19, 2010

Regress #34: The California Switchblade

This magnificent, faux-bronzed Guidoburger almost makes me want to get roped for DUI just so The California Switchblade can be the proverbial nail file in my prison cake.

WARNING: This is the closest you will come all week to literally punching your computer monitor.

Mouth Agape,
Denny DelVecchio


JUST ME said...

He'll cut up the competition, huh?

I've always wanted a homicidal sociopath as my DUI lawyer...

Denny DelVecchio said...

Either way, this cat's a jedi master of the green screen.

Love in the Dumps said...

sadly, he gets laid a LOT more than I do.

Denny DelVecchio said...

Dumps, did you mean to post that after the Vigoda piece?