Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Regress #53: Where Has My Sweet Gone?

You go to bed one early morning after a corpulent night of boxed wine, gouda and genital darts with the Kenosha County Junior College Drill Team thinking you'll have forever to tell those closest to you how they make you sweat.  How you've sized them up to potentially fill the sacred role of baby mama #2. How they move your bowels (in a good way).

And then, suddenly, you realize it was but a wild, wet, gorgeous filament of your vivid, NC-17 imagination.

Denny wants you back. Denny wants you back right the fuck now.

And I will hold my breath.

Denny DelVecchio


Anonymous said...


The blog you were looking for was not found. If you are the owner of this blog, please

Love in the Dumps said...

As I'm the only one who knows the hidie-hole she's hiding under, I will pass this on.

Dr. Cynicism said...

Yea for real, what gives? You can't be leaving Denny in this kind of state.

The Wooch said...

@Love In The Dumps

You are not the only one who knows her location.

Ask Denny about the trailer.

Sir Robert Anthony said...

I heard from Jimmy, my song writing partner for the last 3-4 years or something like that, that she was going to invoke the goddess within herself to rape me on stage at the Beacon Theater on Sunday. I'm wearing my crystal bracelets from my last trip to Istanbul to invoke protection. Does anybody remember laughter?

Denny DelVecchio said...

I'm still in shock. I've only hooked up twice since this happened.

Unknown said...

Such a sad sad tale...

Wasnt this an afternoon special with Kristy McNichol in 1984?

singlegirlie said...

Any word?

Denny DelVecchio said...

@Brahm: It should have been. Denny would have gotten all McNicholfied.

@Single: Alive and well. But blog gone.

nursemyra said...

Um.... I think I'm missing something. We're not talking about vodka and ground beef are we?