Saturday, May 15, 2010

Regress #22: Suck It, Dick Wolf

As I so presciently noted to anyone who would listen back in 1990, the delicate and discriminating whims of the American viewing public would never embrace a convoluted, fantastical Centaur of a melodrama that was one half slapstickian police bungling and one half sex-fueled prosecutorial hijinks--especially if it was resting its hopes on those such as ill-cast funnyman Sam Waterston.

And so I victoriously ask you, Dick Wolf, what you have to say about my quaint little prediction now?

The prosecution rests, Your Honor.  The prosecution rests.

Denny DelVecchio


Anonymous said...

I don't get it.....this show has been on for almost 20 years tool.

Denny DelVecchio said...

It has? I thought NBC dropped it after 6 episodes in the fall of 90.

Retraction coming right up.