Friday, March 18, 2011

Regress #57-67: Holy Fuck No

I have no inkling what humankind has done to so enrage Melmoor The Lesser the supreme being of your choice, but I'm at my last wit trying to ascertain exactly why He would have intentionally foisted this sugary death-dirge upon our frail bodies and souls.

I've heard doper beats in a motherfucking Perkins bathroom at 3:00 am.

Denny DelVecchio


Bearman said...

That song is starting to grow on me.

Denny DelVecchio said...

No even in jest, Bear. The internet is forever.

Anonymous said...

Should I know who she is? she looks about 14

Denny DelVecchio said...

@Single: Look away, darling, look away.

@Good Nurse: No and yes.

Sarah said...

Denny. Sometimes, you're so well spoken.

Denny's Ex-Wife said...

Who is this Nurse and Sarah trying to vie for Denny's well oiled love missle?

Denny DelVecchio said...

Nonsense. More than enough Double D to go around.

Denny DelVecchio said...

And Sarah P...don't let the news get out.

bschooled said...

I had your avatar on my blog, but the heat permeating off your photo was slowing down my site.

Instead, I gave you your own category. (Though if I come across another loin stirring Delvechhian blog, you might have to share.)

Anonymous said...

Punishment for Beiber mania?

(Did I even spell his name right? Sorry - can't remember to care.)

Denny DelVecchio said...

@B: Is an avatar a wiener?

@Mars: Bieber is going to be a hot chick once she's 19.

pattypunker said...

Oh, denny, you're so fine. you're so fine you blow my mind. hey, denny. hey, denny. Oh, denny...

this makes willow smith's "whip my hair" sound epic.

ps: your voluminous mullet completes me.

Denny DelVecchio said...

@Double P: I think we have a new DelVecchian...