Thursday, March 24, 2011

Advance #72: Springing Forth Soon From Denny Dance's Uterus

Me, too!!
Although Denny fully understands that his breathy legions of DelVecchians could suckle for untold weeks off of the ample teet of his past literary conquests, the munificent 4% of him demands that he give you even more.

Coming soon to your favorite show horse-breeding website

Akron man fashions makeshift "vagina" out of hand--innovator or pervert?

New Dana Delaney series poised to be best new Dana Delaney series this season.

Michele Bachmann: You'd probably still bang her.

James Taylor promises even more "pimps and hoes" on upcoming album.

Incontinent six month old has new mother at wit's end.

Kentucky Tea Party official furtively wondering if labiaplasty is covered by Obamacare.

Peta gleefully welcomes fast food titan's new McHumanburger.  

DelVecchio: Cocksure dreamer or lonesome clown?

Stay tuned,
Denny DelVecchio


Love in the Dumps said...

DelVecchio: Italian Dreamboat or New Jersey Tugboat?

pattypunker said...

silly goose, everyone knows labiaplasty is covered if the defect happened at childbirth, but not covered for cosmetic purposes. same goes for anal bleaching.

singlegirlie said...

Very exciting! I like your head. Lines. I like your headlines, Denny. Sorry, that horse pic got me frisky. I'm the one on top, yes?

Denny DelVecchio said...

@Dumps: Italian Tugjob.

@Double P: Then why was my cosmetic prostate surgery covered? Riddle me that.

@Single: The pitcher, yes.

nursemyra said...

I only know Dana Delaney from China Beach. Didn't even know she was still acting.....

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark DelVecchio and say Cocksure Dreamer!

bluntdelivery said...

you never cease to amaze and bewilder, while simultaneously repulsing and drawing every female into your uterus.

i am alarmed at the power you have over my emotions.

Denny DelVecchio said...

@Good Nurse: That's why the US Department of Education considers this site to be such a treasure.

@Loon: Bingo.

@Blunty: I need to go check out my uterus.

Laura said...

Well, well, well DelVecchio, so we meet again. I'm surprised I've been able to stay away so long but, sigh, once again I am drawn into the magnificience that is you.

Good to see some things haven't changed.

Denny's Vet and Dentist said...

Not enough links embedded. Post not up to DelVecchian standards. (Photo of Denny Bestiality does not count).

Kernut the Blond said...

Hi Darlin! Long time no see!

I'm going with DelVecchio: Cocksure Clown.

Denny DelVecchio said...

@Lovely Lola: Don't be a stranger, sweet. Denny will always scoot over and make room for you in the waterbed.

@Pet Clipper: My worst days are most of the world's best. Never forget that.

@Kernut: We have a blonde-coiffed winner.