Saturday, April 24, 2010

Advance #16: Your New Bad Habit Might Just Save Your Life

I'm proud to announce the results of a new study to be published in one of the leading health and fitness journals in North America:

Reading Your New Bad Habit for at least 90 minutes a week, when coupled with: (1) a low fat, high fiber diet;  (2) an hour or more of moderate cardiovascular exercise a day; and (3) no smoking, excessive drinking or illegal drug use, may contribute to a decreased risk of heart disease.

You came for a bawdy snicker or two.  You stayed because you wanted to live longer.

Good call, DelVecchians. Good call.

Dr. Feelgood,
Denny DelVecchio


Anonymous said...

Art imitating life.

Rock on.

Anonymous said...

It made my cholesterol skyrocket overnight.

Denny DelVecchio said...

It will moderate. Give it time, minion.